Wedding Bells: Xenia Trotzky and Count Frederic von Brandenstein-Zeppelin

Xenia Trotzky and Count Frederic von Brandenstein-Zeppelin celebrated their religious marriage on 30 July 2022 at Gröbming. The couple were civilly married on 11 June at Schluechtern.

Born on 23 February 1993, Xenia Trotzky is the daughter of Sergei Sergejewitsch Trotzky (b.1948) and Princess Felicitas of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (b.1958), who wed in 1987. Xenia is the fourth of sixth children. Xenia's paternal grandparents are Serge Constantinovitch Trotzky (1901-1965) and Jacqueline de Cock; her maternal grandparents are Prince Johannes Heinrich of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1931-2010) and Baroness Gabriele von Fürstenberg (1921-2007). Xenia Trotzky studied management at HSE University; she is an account manager for Oracle in Amsterdam. 

Born on 31 May 1987 at Biberach, Count Frederic Constantin Hubertus von Brandenstein-Zeppelin is the son of Count Albrecht von Brandenstein-Zeppelin (b.1950) and Countess Nadine zu Ortenburg (b.1957), wed in 1981. Frederic is the fourth of sixth children. Frederic's paternal grandparents are Count Alexander von Brandenstein-Zeppelin (1915-1979) and Baroness Ursula von Freyberg-Eisenberg-Allmendingen (1917-1985); his maternal grandparents are Count Aurel zu Ortenburg (1927-2001) and Countess Isabelle Adrienne von Bentinck (1925-2013). Count Frederic von Brandenstein-Zeppelin is a lawyer in Düsseldorf; he will one day succeed his paternal uncle Count Constantin von Brandenstein-Zeppelin, the owner of Brandenstein Castle, in the administration of the family's forestry business. 

Our congratulations to the newlyweds and their families!

Source for civil wedding: Brandenstein-Neffe vor dem Traualtar: Adel feiert Hochzeit im Bergwinkel

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